The new show “Ted,” which premiered on Netflix earlier this year, goes into depth of the main character’s upbringing. Throughout the show, there are a variety of instances where the viewers delve into John Bennett and Ted’s childhood. The show focuses on their teenage years and progresses throughout the school year exemplifying how these two grow as characters in just one short year. The show begins as John begins high school, and soon after, he realizes the struggles he has to endure, so he forces Ted to attend high school with him. The show then covers how Ted and John develop throughout the high school years whether it varies from them trying out drugs for the first time or them overcoming the bullies they experience in school.
In comparison to Ted 1 and Ted 2, where we see Ted and John as adults, the show is able to broaden the viewers’ understanding of their childhood. One aspect often overlooked is the parents they were raised upon. Ted and John were both raised in a household by Susan and Matt Bennett who had very contrasting views. Susan was very Christian and refused to curse throughout the show while Matt was depicted as a stereotypical Boston who was often loud, obnoxious and drunk. The contrasting roles both parents played in the upbringing of John and Ted can be seen in the movies. Especially Matt’s views, as John is known for being a typical Boston guy and Ted as we later know loves to drink and indulge in drugs.
One underlying aspect of the show not seen by most is the fifth houseguest staying with John and Ted throughout a majority of their childhood. This guest was Blaire, who was the cousin of John and the niece of Susan and Matt. While at first Blaire may have negatively impacted Ted and John by accidentally introducing them to drugs, she eventually gets to know them very well and allows her compassionate reasoning to help mold both Ted and John into the men they become. Even when Blaire accidentally introduces John and Ted to drugs, she was a strong advocate against them and repeatedly advised against them. She later explains the only reason she was selling drugs in the first place was to help her pay for tuition and rent money that she was secretly being charged from Matt. The show has its ups and downs, but overall lets the viewers experience what John and Ted’s childhood was like and how they became the characters they are in the movies.
I recommend that readers view the new show because it gives background on the movies which makes the characters development a lot more interesting. Even if one has already watched the movies like I had, the show enters a whole new perspective which focuses on the youth of Ted and John. This show pictures the development of young teens through their high school years and how they are able to mature during such a tough period in life.